Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarswati Thakur: “Even earned wealth is obtained by the mercy of God. It is not the incorrect use of wealth if some portion of mercy is given to requesting poor people; it is its proper use! To distribute mercy (prasadam) is the compulsory duty of householder Vaisnavas. Even though their (poor people’s) miserableness has been obtained through the fault of their own karma, they are still God’s people. Therefore, to give them help is the compulsory duty of well-to-do-people.” (A Ray of Visnu).

Mayapur Food For Life

Srila Prabupada longed for the day when everyone would receive full meals of prasadam at Sri Mayapur Dham, the birthplace of Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. To fulfil his desire “No one should go hungry”, his followers and well-wishers have started a non-profit, non-sectarian charitable project to serve “Gauranga Prasada Seva”, a full meal programme, reviving India’s glories ancient culture and tradition of distribution of sumptuous vegetarian meal with regular feeding of 1000 - 2000 pilgrims on an average, regardless of caste and creed, as a symbol of mutual brotherhood. The sacred food is distributed FREE for everyone and pilgrims collect their FULL meal coupons early in the morning at Sri Sri Radha-Madhava temple courtyard.
Everyday leaf cups of Kichuri are distributed throughout the day in the temple.
Food for Life also serves free prasad in the surrounding areas during relief works like flood, covid etc..

Prasadam Details:

The Vishnu-smriti says, “The goddess of fortune Lakshmi resides in those who are charitable”.

Srila Prabhupada says,“I want that you shall distribute prasadam at least to hundreds of person daily, and advertise very widely all over Nadia Province for people to come there and take prasadam daily without charge. … try to expand this program as much as possible at Mayapur and let me know.” “Simply by liberal distribution of prasadam and sankirtana, the whole world can become peaceful and prosperous”.
Please Select Seva


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