Today in Sri Mayapur Dham Tungavidya Sakhi was adorned with nice garlands and ornaments to celebrate her divine appearance day. Lalita, Visakha, Citra, Campakalata, Tungavidya, Indulekha, Rangadevi and Sudevi are the parama-prestha-sakhis. These eight gopis are chief amongst all the gopis. The exalted qualities of Tungavidya are described in Sri Sri Radha-Krishna Ganoddesa Dipika, and […]
The Monarch of the Months
This year in Sridhama Mayapur between the 16th of May and the 13th of June, the resident devotees will make their way to the temple each evening through the summer heat for an opportunity that only comes once every three years. At the temple, the twilight will be illuminated by hundreds of handheld lamps moving […]
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura Appearance
Appearance day of the Seventh Goswami Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, is celebrated at Mayapur with great devotional fervor. A murti of Bhakti Vinod Thakura adorned Panca tattva altar platform. Pushpanjali was offered at noon, followed by bhoga offering and Maha arti. Devotees also took opportunity of this special day of mercy to visit residence of Bhakti […]
Indulekha Devi Appearance
Today is the divine appearance day of Indulekha Gopi. Indulekha is the sixth of the varistha gopis. She has a lemon-yellow (tan) complexion and wears garments the color of a pomegranate flower. She is three days younger than Srimati Radharani, being 14 years, 2 months and 10 1/2 days of age. Her parents are Sagara […]
Indulekha Sakhi Appearance
Today is the auspicious appearance day of Indulekha Sakhi. Posted above is Her darshan on Her appearance day in Mayapur. Let us meditate on Her service to Sri Sri Radha Krishna and qualities, as described in Sri Radha-Krsna Ganodesa. Indulekha is the sixth of the varistha gopis. She has a tan complexion and the color of […]
Purusottama Month is Coming!
Hare Krishna You might already be aware of Purusottama month and its occurrence this year. To put it briefly, when the full moon occurs twice in a month, i.e. in less than 29 solar days, then the month is divided into 2 and a leap month is added. This leap month is known as Adika […]
Lecture by HH Bhanu Swami on SB 6.4.1 to 4
On 8th February, 2015 morning Temple lecture was given by HH Bhanu Swami. Below is the transcript of the lecture. As we know from the first canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, the whole purpose of Bhagavatam is to glorify and describe the pastimes of Krishna. Vedavyasa has divided up the Vedas into four and given them […]
Lecture by HH Indradyumna Swami on Srimad Bhagwatam 6.3.26
On 28th January, HH Indradyumna Swami Maharaj gave a lecture on Srimad Bhagwatam 6.3.26. Below is the transcript of the lecture. Hare Krishna! This morning we are reading from Granthraj Srimad Bhagavatam Canto Six, Chapter Three entitled “Yamaraja instructs his messengers”, Text 26. (invocation prayers) evam vimrsya sudhiyo bhagavaty anante sarvatmana vidadhate khalu bhava-yogam te […]
Pushpa Abhishek
Please view the following galleries: Flower Dress Darshan Pushpa Abhishek Jananivasa Prabhu said that he was instructed by Srila Prabhupada to celebrate festivals related to the pastimes of the Sri Sri Radha-Krishna in a grand way in Sri Mayapur. These pastimes are going on eternally in the spiritual world. By celebrating these festivals, we can […]
Purushottam Mas
On 18th August the Purushottam Month started. It is a special month and very dear to Krsna. When the full moon occurs twice in a month, i.e. in less then 29 solar days then the month is divided into 2 and a leap month is added. This leap month is known as Adika mas or Purushottama […]
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