Gita Jayanti is the birthday of Bhagavad Gita. It is believed the “Bhagavad Gita” was revealed to Arjuna by Sri Krsna Himself in the battlefield of Kurukshetra just before the start of the Kurushektra war. Gita Jayanti is celebrated worldwide by all devotees of Lord Krsna. It is generally observed by congregational recitation of all 700 verses of the Gita chanted throughout […]
Mayapur Gears Up for Marathon 2015
As 2015 is the 50th year of HDG Srila Prabhupada’s entry into western land, ISKCON Mayapur is making all the arrangements to make 2015 book distribution marathon a mega event. So, it was announced that this year marathon will be celebrated from 1st October, 2015 to 31st January, 2016 for a period of four months […]
Thanks to Flood Relief Donors
Due to the onset of festival season with festivals like Janmashtami, Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa puja and Radhashtami, thousands of pilgrims are visiting Sri Dhama Mayapur. This is a stark contrast when we look a month back as devotees were leaving Mayapur due to the flood. Entire ISKCON Mayapur campus was flooded then which led to […]
10 Million Watched Mayapur Devotees
An International party from ISKCON Mayapur went on TV two times in less than 1 month. Their presentation shacked the whole West Bengal and the other states of India as well as the outside countries. The Zee Bangla TV, is part of the Zee Entertainment Enterprises that owns 46 different channels in 169 countries. The […]
Purusottama month being sincerely observed
Since 17th June, devotees at ISKCON Mayapur are sincerely observing the Purusottama month. Daily ghee lamps are being distributed for free in the Temple hall. Devotees offer these lamps to all the Deities singing melodious Hare Krishna kirtan and bhajans like ‘Jay Radhe Jay Krishna Jay Vrindavan’. Some devotees take daily bath in the Ganges, […]
Purusottama Month is Coming!
Hare Krishna You might already be aware of Purusottama month and its occurrence this year. To put it briefly, when the full moon occurs twice in a month, i.e. in less than 29 solar days, then the month is divided into 2 and a leap month is added. This leap month is known as Adika […] Redesigned
Mayapur Tourism, ISKCON Mayapur’s travels and tours division has announced the launch of its improved website Sri Mayapur is the birth place of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu- the most merciful form of Lord Krsna who distributed Krsna prema to even the most fallen through Harinaam sankirtan. To give this mercy to everyone […]
Jahnu Saptami
25 April,2015 Ganga-saptami or Jahnu-saptami appears in the month of Vaisakha (Vaisnava month of Madhusudana-April/May) on the 7th day of Sukla-paksa, or the waxing fortnight of the full moon. After the Ganga descended onto the Himalayas, the river entered the sacrificial arena of Jahnu Rsi and disturbed his meditation. This pastime is stated in the […]
Lecture by HH Dhira Santa Goswami on SB 6.9.24
On 28th Feb, HH Dhira Santa Goswami gave lecture on SB 6.9.24. Below is the transcript of the lecture. So in these instructions Lord Caitanya to Sanatana Goswami mentions that our eternal relationship with Krishna is real, jivera svarupa haya krsnera nitya dasa, that we are all eternally parts and parcels of Supreme Personality of Godhead and […]
Lecture by HH Candramauli Swami on S.B. 6.4.15-17
On 22nd February, HH Candramauli Swami gave lecture on S.B. 6.4.15-17. Below is transcript of the lecture. HH Candramauli Swami: (Pranama Mantras) We are hearing about Daksa in this particular verse which begins somewhat of a different theme here. Daksa, in his previous manifestation as a Prajapti, committed a very serious offense. What was his position? […]
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