In the midst of the lush, green Grihasta Para housing area of ISKCON Mayapur the Sri Mayapur International School is situated. The school campus features an idyllic combination of brick buildings, pathways, and tree-filled grounds, and those living nearby can often hear the children at play, performing kirtan, or practicing mridanga. The Sri Mayapur International […]
Odana-Sasthi-The First Day of Winter
“At the beginning of winter, there is a ceremony known as the Odana-sasthi. This ceremony indicates that from that day forward, a winter covering should be given to Lord Jagannatha.” – Sri Caitanya Caritamrta, Madhya-lila16.79, purport Once, Srila Pundarika Vidyanidhi and Srila Svarupa Damodara came to Jagannatha Puri and saw the festival of odana-sasthi. On […]
The Networking Tree of Lord Caitanya
Countless people come to ISKCON Mayapur from all over India and the world, and ISKCON Mayapur has a number of preaching endeavors to attract these people to Mayapur and to preach the science of Krishna consciousness to them. ISKCON Mayapur’s preaching targets all people, both those from far away lands and those who reside within […]
My idea is to attract the entire world to Sri Mayapur!
Srila Prabhupada expressed on his vision for Mayapur as, ” My idea is to attract the people of the entire world to Mayapur!” Now, day by day, visitors coming to Mayapur are increasing manifold compared to the previous years. Prophecy of Srila Prabhupada is blossoming now! Recently, a group of 80 guests from Coal India […]
Utpanna Ekadashi : November14,2017
Today is Ekadashi- Fasting from grains and beans and a day to increase one’s practices in devotional service! Today’s Ekadashi is called as UTPANNA EKADASHI. At Mayapur, 24 hr harinam shall take place at Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir.You can also offer tulasi archana or pooja to Sri Radha-Madhava or Lord Narasimhadeva & or feed the Cows […]
In the playground of Nimai!
I have come to Mayapur many times over the years. The first time was in 1974. Between then and the 90’s I went on the Nabadwip Mandala parikrama six times without shoes! But in all the times I’ve come to Mayapur and all the parikramas I’ve gone on, I have never felt so close to […]
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