Being in Mayapur and very close to Rajapur, home of Lord Jaganath, Baladeva and Subadhra, we all jumped in a car and went to take part of the festivities that were organized for the very sweet pastime of Odana sashti. This yearly Rajapur festival is a rare opportunity for the devotees to all sit in […]
Pujari Course
For the pleasure of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Pancatattva, Prahlad Nrisimha Dev, Srila Prabhupada and for all the readers Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha happily informs that, for the first time there was a Training class arranged by Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha on ‘Bhoga offering and Aroti performance’ for one day (2 times class) on 6th […]
ISKCON Leadership Sanga
Dear Devotees, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. The GBC is pleased to invite you to the ISKCON Leadership Sanga (ILS) 2016 in Sridham Mayapur, India, on February 24 – March 2. If you already attended a previous ILS you already know what an amazing event it was, with over five hundred […]
Remembering HG Caitanya Simha Das
Caitanya Simha das, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada and friend and well-wisher to so many devotees, left his body today in the early morning hours at Sri Mayapur dhama, on the disappearance day of Srila Prabhupada,( also happened to be his birthday) to continue his journey back home to Godhead. He started so many on […]
Vaishnava Care Home in Mayapur
We are establishing a Care home in Mayapur. Can you please help us by donating $1, $5, $10, $100 or more (in any other currency)? We have rented a beautiful apartment and need to equip it and make it homely. If you cannot donate anything yourself, please forward this link to at least 3 friends. […]
Trancendental Journey to Vrindavan Dham
For the pleasure of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Pancatattva, Nrisimha Dev and Srila Prabhupada, and for all the readers, Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha (MBV) is happy to inform everyone that for the first time ever, Bhakti Vriksha group, successfully conducted a Vrindavan Tour with 50 Bhakti Vriksha devotees. The journey commenced on 17 Nov 2015, […]
Krishnanagar Jail Preaching a Huge Success!
By Ajamila dasa Sorry this is a little long but believe me it’s worth reading it all with a huge ISKCON surprise bonus at the end of the rainbow. The Krishnanagar Jail Preaching program yesterday, upon the invite of the Superintendent, went surprisingly far better than expected. The one hour program commenced with 5 male and 4 […]
Param Vijayate Sri Krishna Sankirtanam
“Param Vijayate Sri Krishna Sankirtanam” Hare Krishna, Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha happily wants to inform you that recently there was a “Harinam Sankirtan” procession within Sri Mayapur Dham ISKCON campus on 4th of October 2015, for the occasion of “Vishwa Harinam Worldwide Week’” and for the pleasure of Namacarya Srila Haridas Thakura. Along with their guests […]
Ramachandra Vijayotsav
Today is the Ramachandra Vijayotsav. It is the festival to celebrate the victory of Lord Rama over the demonic king Ravana. Lord Rama is an incarnation of Krsna who appeared on earth millions of years ago along with His consort Sita, His brother Laxman and His dear devotee Hanuman. The entire story of Lord Rama […]
Jhulan Yatra 2015 Celebrations
Jhulan Yatra Gallery Balaram Jayanti Abhishek Gallery Despite the heavy flood in early August, a grand Jhulan Yatra celebration took place in Mayapur from 25th-30th August. Like the past years, the spirit of taking part in Sri Sri Radha Madhav’s transcendental swing pastimes, attracted several hundreds of participants from the Mayapur community as well as […]
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