On 22nd February, HH Candramauli Swami gave lecture on S.B. 6.4.15-17. Below is transcript of the lecture. HH Candramauli Swami: (Pranama Mantras) We are hearing about Daksa in this particular verse which begins somewhat of a different theme here. Daksa, in his previous manifestation as a Prajapti, committed a very serious offense. What was his position? […]
Lecture on disappearance day of HH Tamal Krishna Goswami
On 18th February, HH Bhakti Charu Swami gave a lecture on disappearance day of HH Tamal Krishna Goswami. Below is transcript of the lecture. Hare Krishna. When Srila Prabhupada went to the West, Krishna actually created the perfect arrangement for Srila Prabhupada. The United States of America, at that time, was in a perfect situation […]
SGGS Day 3
Day three immediately built on the enthusiasm and camaraderie developed over first two days of the SGGS. On third day, participants took the task of looking seventy years into the future, when all of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples – and even most of the devotees who took initiation not long after Srila Prabhupada’s departure – will […]
SGGS – Day 2
SGGS – Day 2 On day one participants explored ISKCON’s past, examining the trends in and influences on ISKCON, both internal and external. Following that participants began to look at ISKCON’s present on second day. Meeting’s facilitators started with a question: How well do the four groups in the room (the GBC members, the sannyasis, the gurus, and the […]
SGGS Day 1 report
Mayapur 2015: SGGS Day 1 On 9th February, saw the start of the much-anticipated Sanga of Sannyasis, Gurus and GBCs (SGGS). Over eighty of ISKCON’s most senior leaders and preachers from across the globe gathered in Sri Dhama Mayapur for three days of association, contemplation, and in-depth discussion in response to Srila Prabhupada’s directive to find unity in diversity. Leaders […]
Lecture by HH Giriraj Swami on SB 6.3.35
On 7th February, morning lecture was given by HH Giriraja Swami on SB 6.3.35. Below is the transcript of the lecture. itihasam imam guhyam bhagavan kumbha-sambhavah kathayam asa Malaya asino harim arcayan “When the great sage Agastya, the son of Kumbha, was residing in the Malaya Hills and worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I […]
Lecture by HG Mahatma Pr on SB 6.3.32
On 6th February, morning Temple lecture was given by HG Mahatma Pr on SB 6.3.32 . Below is the transcript of the lecture. When I was reading this purport, one thing stood out in my mind. It’s the first point Prabhupada makes. Prabhupada says if one chants offensively then one should remedy that by chanting continuously. There’s […]
Lecture by HH Romapada Swami on SB 6.3.30
On 4th February, morning Temple lecture was given by HH Romapada Swami on S.B 6.3.30 . Below is the transcript of the lecture. (Pranama mantra) Due to time constraints regarding when the class must end, I have to speak very concisely. Three points. In the purport of this verse, Srila Prabhupada is not only speaking of […]
Lecture by HH Indradyumna Swami on Srimad Bhagwatam 6.3.26
On 28th January, HH Indradyumna Swami Maharaj gave a lecture on Srimad Bhagwatam 6.3.26. Below is the transcript of the lecture. Hare Krishna! This morning we are reading from Granthraj Srimad Bhagavatam Canto Six, Chapter Three entitled “Yamaraja instructs his messengers”, Text 26. (invocation prayers) evam vimrsya sudhiyo bhagavaty anante sarvatmana vidadhate khalu bhava-yogam te […]
Srila Prabhupada Honored
Please view the following galleries: Srila Prabhupada’s Offerings & Abhishek Srila Prabhupada A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder-acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, was born in 1896, in Calcutta, in a Vaisnava family. His father, Gour Mohan De, named him Abhay Charan. His father’s only wish was that, Abhay would become a devotee […]
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