On 4th February, morning Temple lecture was given by HH Romapada Swami on S.B 6.3.30 . Below is the transcript of the lecture. (Pranama mantra) Due to time constraints regarding when the class must end, I have to speak very concisely. Three points. In the purport of this verse, Srila Prabhupada is not only speaking of […]
Lecture by HH Indradyumna Swami on Srimad Bhagwatam 6.3.26
On 28th January, HH Indradyumna Swami Maharaj gave a lecture on Srimad Bhagwatam 6.3.26. Below is the transcript of the lecture. Hare Krishna! This morning we are reading from Granthraj Srimad Bhagavatam Canto Six, Chapter Three entitled “Yamaraja instructs his messengers”, Text 26. (invocation prayers) evam vimrsya sudhiyo bhagavaty anante sarvatmana vidadhate khalu bhava-yogam te […]
Day of flowers in Mayapur
Please view the following galleries: Darshan Abhishek Preperation Jananivasa Prabhu said that he was instructed by Srila Prabhupada to celebrate festivals related to the pastimes of the Sri Sri Radha-Krishna in a grand way in Sri Mayapur. These pastimes are going on eternally in the spiritual world. By celebrating these festivals, we can engage ourselves […]
Odana Sashti
Please view the following galleries: Daily Darshan Odana Sashti Festivites Odana Sashti is a festival that marks the beginning of winter. During the Odana-sasthi festival the devotees dress Lord Jagannatha and Balarama with starched cloth. This ceremony indicates that from that day forward, a winter covering should be given to the Lord. That covering is directly […]
Marathon month begins!
On 19\11\2014 in Mayapur Book distribution Marathon Month was inaugurated in the auspicious assembly of many senior vaisnavas and in the presence of Sri Sri Radha Madhava. In the Radha Madhava temple hall H.H Bhakti Purusottama swami, H.H Bhakti Chaitanya swami and many more senior devotees spoke on Book distribution and Srila Prabhupada as well […]
Govardhan Puja In Mayapur
Please view the following galleries: Community gathering Temple abhishek Darshan In the western coast of India, in the island of Salmali, lived Dronachala, the king of the mountains. Once a sage by the name of Pulastya Muni, came to him to take his son Giriraja with him to Kashi (Varanasi). After offering some initial resistance, […]
Pulling the Lords chariots
Please view the following galleries: Gundica Marjanam Ratha Yatra Gallery At the Rajapur’s Sri Jagannatha Temple, Their Lordships getting dressed in nice outfits and adorned with beautiful ornaments and flower garlands. Amidst a roaring kirtan and in big procession, They are seated on three different chariots. They come to Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir and shower […]
Lotus Festival Concludes
The photos are provided by Akarshini Radha DD Salila Vihar is one of the sweet summer festivals celebrated in Mayapur for the divine pleasure of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava. During the summer evenings, Sri Sri Radha-Madhava are seated in a lotus pond inside a flower bunglow. Devotees offer lotus flowers chanting 108 names of Sri Radha Madhava. […]
Pushpa Abhishek
Please view the following galleries: Flower Dress Darshan Pushpa Abhishek Jananivasa Prabhu said that he was instructed by Srila Prabhupada to celebrate festivals related to the pastimes of the Sri Sri Radha-Krishna in a grand way in Sri Mayapur. These pastimes are going on eternally in the spiritual world. By celebrating these festivals, we can […]
Odana Sashti
View the following galleries: Daily Darshan Odana Sashti Festivites Odana Sashti is a festival that marks the beginning of winter. During the Odana-sasthi festival the devotees dress Lord Jagannatha and Balarama with starched cloth. This ceremony indicates that from that day forward, a winter covering should be given to the Lord. That covering is directly purchased […]
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