Please view the following full galleries: Abhishek & Darshan Nrsimha Caturdasi celebration in Sridham Mayapur ended last evening. The main festival was yesterday (3rd May) but the celebration started well before on 1st May. On 1st evening, devotees offered flowers to Sri Sri Laksmi Nrsimhadev deity along with chanting of 108 names of Lord. This was followed […]
66th Vyasa puja celebration of HH Jaypataka Swami

66th Vyasa puja celebration of HH Jaypataka Swami Maharaj took place in Sri Mayapur dham from 30th March to 1st April. Many of His disciples came to Mayapur on this occasion. An adhivas ceremony took place on 30th evening to invoke auspiciousness. As is the custom, 24 items were offered to HH Jaypataka Swami Maharaj […]
‘Micro labs’ team visits ISKCON Mayapur

28 March Around 25 employees of Micro Labs (a renowned healthcare organization) visited ISKCON Mayapur recently. They arrived on 24th March afternoon led by firm’s Vice President Mr. H.V. Ravi and received a traditional welcome with kirtan, tilak and light prasadam. They had a corporate package which was designed by firm manager Mr. Sunil Kumar in […]
Lecture by HH Niranjan Swami

On 18th February, HH Niranjan Swami gave the morning Bhagwatam lecture on SB 6.17.30. Below is the transcript of the lecture. (Pranama Mantras) First I would like to thank all of the assembled vaisnavas for this opportunity to render service. I pray to all of the vaisnavas who are here today to bless me that I may […]
Inauguration of Gaur Purnima festival

Inauguration pictures Today, 16th February, we had the inauguration of Gaur Purnima festival, 2015. The festival marks its 43rd anniversary this year in Mayapur. Initially, there was a kirtan before Deities of Gaur Nitai and Garudadev. Then more devotees led by sanyasis including HH Gopal Krishna Goswami, HH BhaktaGaurVani Swami and HH Prahladananda Swami […]
Lecture on Varahadeva’s appearance

On the occasion of Varaha’s appearance day, the morning Temple lecture was on Srimad Bhagwatam Canto Three, Chapter Eighteen entitled “The Battle Between Boar and Hiranyaksa” Text two (3.18.2). dadarsa tatrabhijitam dhara-dharam pronniyamanavanim agra-damstraya musnantam aksna sva-ruco ’runa-sriya jahasa caho vana-gocaro mrgah Translation: “He saw there the all-powerful Personality of Godhead in His […]
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