Go Seva – Adopt a Cow

Go Seva - Adopt a cow

“The words of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the greatest authority, herein clearly indicate that one becomes pious simply by keeping cows and protecting them.” – Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi Lila 17.111

If you live in a place where you cannot maintain cows personally, you can engage in cow protection by adopting one of our resident cows, bulls or calves. You can donate for one month, one year or lifetime feeding and care. For one year and lifetime adoption, you can perform worship of the adopted cow with assistance of a Goshala priest. In case of lifetime adoption, you can perform the worship every year on your preferred date. Become a Lifetime Adoption member and we will also send you regular updates and photos of your adopted cow.  

Please view below video to hear the pleasant experience of a family who adopted a cow for lifetime. 

Amounts for cow adoption are:


For life: Rs. 325,001
One year: Rs. 36,001
One month: Rs. 3,001

If you adopt a cow for life we will send you pictures and regular updates on the cow you have adopted.

You can send your donation by Bank Transfer to:

All Donations under General Donation, Food for Life & Life Membership only and paid within India are Tax Exempted under 80/G Section of the Income Tax Department, Govt. of India. For any queries or information, please write to us: donorservices@mayapur.com  

Contact no. : +91-9733578071 Contact Person: Gopijana Vallabha dasa


Or pay by credit card online here:

Donor Information
Please put your legal name here.
Please put your legal name here.
Non-Indian residents should not put their Indian address
Enter your passport only if you are a foreign national.
Enter your PAN card # only if you are an Indian citizen.