ABOUT THE SPEAKER His Grace Pankajanghri Prabhu has been serving Sri Sri Radha Madhava from the early Iskcon Mayapur days (1973). He resides in Mayapur and serves along with his twin brother (Jananivas prabhu) in the deity department. He returns to giving classes after more than one year of self-reflection without sharing his knowledge. Śrīmad […]
Jul 3rd 2012 – H.G. Pankajanghri prabhu live on Mayapur.TV

Jul 2nd 2012 – H.G. Krishna Svarup prabhu live on Maypaur.TV

ABOUT THE SPEAKER H.G. Krishna Svarup (Ramswarup Upadhyay Pokhrel) Prabhu is a disciple of H.H. Hridayananda das Goswami. Prabhu was born in Nepal in 1969 but grew up in Assam, India and lived there until he was 12 years old. Prabhu joined ISKCON movement after he was honored with a degree of (Shastri) the ‘Bachelor […]
Jul 1st 2012 – H.G. Caitanya Carana prabhu

ABOUT THE SPEAKER Caitanya Carana Dasa took to Krishna consciousness in 2000 whilst working as a school teacher. He is a disciple of Bhakti Caitanya Swami. He joined as a full time devotee at Sri Sri Radha Radhanatha Mandir in Durban, South Africa, in 2003. He served as book distributor and preacher for 6 years. […]
June 29th 2012 – H.H. Jayapataka swami live on Mayapur.TV

ABOUT THE SPEAKERH.H. Jayapataka Swami is one of the most senior disciples of H.D.G. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. He took sannyas at the early age of 21 and remained so his whole life, the oldest ISKCON sannyas. In spite of being in recovery from a severe stroke he continues to travel and preach […]
June 2012 – All Lectures on Mayapur.tv
June 28th 2012 – H.G. Jananivas prabhu live on Mayapur.TV

ABOUT THE SPEAKER His Grace Jananivas prabhu joined Srila Prabhupada in Mayapur from the beginning of the project (1972) and has been the personal servant of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava ever since. He enlivens the world by the ever increasingly high standard of the deity worship performed in Mayapur under his guidance. The […]
June 25th 2012 – H.G. Ganga prabhu live on Mayapur.TV
ABOUT THE SPEAKER H.G. Ganga prabhu is a long time resident of Mayapur. He is from Italy and is married to a South indian brahmani. Prabhu has 2 grown children who were raised in Mayapur dham. Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.25.33 PLAY mp3 To download mp3 audio, right click and save
June 26th 2012 – H.G. Pankajanghri prabhu live on Mayapur.TV

ABOUT THE SPEAKER His Grace Pankajanghri Prabhu has been serving Sri Sri Radha Madhava from the early Iskcon Mayapur days (1973). He resides in Mayapur and serves along with his twin brother (Jananivas prabhu) in the deity department. He returns to giving classes after more than one year of self-reflection without sharing his knowledge. Śrīmad […]
June 23rd 2012 – H.G. Padmanayan prabhu live on Mayapur.TV
ABOUT THE SPEAKER H.G. Padmanayan Prabhu is a disciple of H.H.Jayapataka Swami from Jagannath Puri. He currently resides in Sridham Mayapur where he manages the Bhakti Sastri program for foreigners. He has been serving for over 15 years in Sridham Mayapur.Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 4.25.31 Click to watch the video, or right click and choose ‘Save […]
June 22nd 2012 – H.G. Hari Sauri prabhu live on Mayapur.TV
ABOUT THE SPEAKER Hari Sauri was born in England on November 17th 1950. In May 1971, he emigrated to Australia where, on the second day of his arrival, he met the members of the newly emerging Krishna Consciousness movement. He was duly accepted as an initiated disciple by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada […]
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