ABOUT THE SPEAKER His Grace Jananivas prabhu joined Srila Prabhupada in Mayapur from the beginning of the project (1972) and has been the personal servant of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava ever since. He enlivens the world by the ever increasingly high standard of the deity worship performedhttps://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5036667170296619026#editor/target=post;postID=9134206156071402746 in Mayapur under his guidance. The […]
Aug 7th 2012 – H.G. Pankajanghri prabhu live on Mayapur.TV

ABOUT THE SPEAKER His Grace Pankajanghri Prabhu has been serving Sri Sri Radha Madhava from the early Iskcon Mayapur days (1973). He resides in Mayapur and serves along with his twin brother (Jananivas prabhu) in the deity department. He returns to giving classes after more than one year of self-reflection without sharing his knowledge. Glories […]
Aug 6th 2012 – H.H. Jayapataka swami live on Mayapur.TV

ABOUT THE SPEAKERH.H. Jayapataka Swami is one of the most senior disciples of H.D.G. A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. He took sannyas at the early age of 21 and remained so his whole life, the oldest ISKCON sannyas. In spite of being in recovery from a severe stroke he continues to travel and preach […]
Aug 6th 2012 – H.G. Jnanagamya prabhu live on Mayapur.TV

ABOUT THE SPEAKER H.G. Jnanagamya das Adhikary joined Srila Prabhupada’s Hare Krishna movement in 1972. He has served in numerous ways, from leading sankirtan parties, maintaining and designing temples, producing graphics, exhibits, supervising construction, teaching to cooking chapattis… he is currently engaged in the production of a film “Celibate in Chelsea” about the process of […]
Aug 5th 2012 – H.G. Praghosa prabhu live on Mayapur.TV

ABOUT THE SPEAKER His Grace Praghosa prabhu took initiation from Satsvarupa das Goswami in the early 1980’s. He is currently one of Mayapur’s GBC’s and also GBC for UK, Sweden, Denmark and Ireland. He lives in Dublin where he manages 3 successful Govinda’s Restaurants. He is also the force behind the well appreciated dandavats.com devotee […]
Aug 4th 2012 – H.G. Jnanagamya prabhu live on Mayapur.TV

ABOUT THE SPEAKER H.G. Jnanagamya das Adhikary joined Srila Prabhupada’s Hare Krishna movement in 1972. He has served in numerous ways, from leading sankirtan parties, maintaining and designing temples, producing graphics, exhibits, supervising construction, teaching to cooking chapattis… he is currently engaged in the production of a film “Celibate in Chelsea” about the process of […]
Aug 4th 2012 – H.H. Ramai Swami live on Mayapur.TV

ABOUT THE SPEAKER His Holiness Ramai Swami is one of the GBC in Australia. He is disciple of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada. Swami ji was born in Australia, and has been sanyasi for many years. He has been visiting Christchurch Temple in NZ for more than 2 decades. He is a great musician, very […]
Aug 3rd 2012 – A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada Vyas Puja Adhivas live on Mayapur.TV

Srila Prabhupada’s Adivas for Vyas Puja Celebrations Jai Prabhupada – A Pure Devotee DOWNLOAD PLAY mp3 To download mp3 audio file, right click & save
Aug 3rd 2012 – H.H. Romapada swami live on Mayapur.TV

ABOUT THE SPEAKER His Holiness Romapada Swami was a student at the State University of New York in Buffalo, in 1969, when he found the path to the Absolute Truth when he heard His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada chanting on campus. Srila Romapada Swami was 21 years old and had just been accepted […]
Aug 2nd – Balaram Jayanti live in Mayapur.TV
HAPPY BALARAM JAYANTI 2012 “That Maha-Visnu who lies on the Causal Ocean is actually an expansion of Balarama, who is Krsna’s first expansion, and, in the Vrndavana pastimes, is the brother of Krsna. In the maha-mantra Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare. Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, the word Rama […]
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