Hare Krishna
Please accept our humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.
This year, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and all the Vaishnavas, we will be organizing another Sravan Utsava Mela so that all visiting and resident devotees can get the opportunity to hear and relish nectarean Hari katha from some of our society’s senior devotees.
Dates: 25th to 28th February, 2022.
There will be four seminars a day. Detailed schedule of the same has been attached for your kind reference.
Lunch and dinner prasadam will be provided for those attending the seminars.
Please take advantage of this wonderful program for enriching your Krishna consciousness.
Please take advantage of this wonderful program for enriching your Krishna consciousness.
Your Servants at
ISKCON Mayapur Secretariat
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