Sri Navadvipa Dham Seva

Sri Navadvipa Dham Sevaka

Sri Navadvipa dhama is the transcendental touchstone- which can fulfil all the spiritual desires. To the degree, one is surrendered to holy dham, to the degree one serve the dham with heart, to that degree dham unfolds its potency and gives entrance into the pastimes of Lord Chaitanya. Then, Praudha maya who covers the dham lifts the veil to makes one eligible for Sankirtan pastimes to manifest.

All the acharyas desired to develop Navadvipa Mandala bhumi and wanted the people of the whole world to perform this Parikrama.  Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama is instituted by Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakura and established by Bhakti Siddhanta Thakur, by the instruction of our Founder acharya, Sri Bhakti Vedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON Mayapur is conducting every year Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama & now 10,000 devotees are attending the Parikrama before Gaura Purnima.  

Srila Prabhupada has also formed a Trust- Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama Trust and instructed HH Jayapataka Swami to purchase lands and develop the holy places in Navadvipa dhama. This is one of the last instructions just before leaving the planet. If we do not develop these places, there is a risk of losing this holy tirthas for the future generations. The land price as well as demand is increasing day by day and we must act now to protect the Navadvipa Dhama! 

Save the Dham for your children & generations to come to joyfully chant & sing in the islands of Navadvipa dhama. 

This Purusottama month, by serving the dham fulfilling the desire of Srila Prabhupada and make a sankalpa or vow to be a part of Navadvipa Mandal Development. 

Secret of Success in Krishna Consciousness lies in pleasing the previous acharya!


Sri Navadvipa Dham Sevaka- Sponsor an Island 

Donate towards developing every island of Sri Navadvipa by choosing the island of your choice. Your donation will fund the infrastructural development of the holy dham. 










  • Sevaka - Rs. 100,000
  • Ashraya - Rs. 50,000
  • Toilet Facilities Building - Rs. 25,000
  • Parikrama Camp Site Building - Rs. 15,000
  • Parikrama Path - Rs. 10,000

Purusottam Padashraya

An opportunity for everyone to make a contribution in Navadvip Mandal development by donating for 1 sq.ft. in this Purusottam month. 

  • 1 sq. ft:  Rs. 4000

Ganga Seva

Ganga is an integral part of Sri Navadvipa Dham. During the time of Lord Caitanya, there were more than 10 ghats or bathing places in Ganga where Lord Gauranga sported and had sweet pastimes as Nimai. Contribute for Ganga ghat beautification & development!

  • Diamond Seva - Rs. 50,000
  • Platinum Seva - Rs. 20,000
  • Gold Seva - Rs. 10,000
  • Silver Seva - Rs. 5,000
  • Copper Seva - Rs. 3,000


You can send your donation by Bank Transfer to:

* All Donations paid within India are Tax Exempted under 80/G Section of Income Tax Department, Govt. of India. For any queries or information, please write to us Contact Donation Helpline no. :+91-9593400192 Contact Person: Shyamagopika devi dasi

After remittance, please email and with the following details to track the remittance:

  1. Name of Donor
  2. Country name (for foreign remittances)
  3. Date of remittance
  4. Amount remitted
  5. Swift copy of remittance (for remittance from country other than India, sometimes the amount does not show in our bank account, in such case swift copy of remittance helps bank to trace the amount. If the fund show up in bank account then this is not required)

Or pay online here:

₨ 4,000.00
₨ 1.00
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