V rindavan das Thakur is the incarnation of Srila Vyasadev in Chaitanya Lila. He appeared as the son of Narayani who is the niece of Srivas Thakura. Narayani received immense mercy from Mahaprabhu when she lived in Srivas Thakur’s house as a small girl. Narayani got wedded in Mamgachi and became a widow. She then served as a maid servant in the house of Vasudev Dutta when Vrindavana Das Thakur was born. He was born 4 years after Mahaprabhu took sannyasi.


Vrindavan Das Thakur took initiation from Nityananda Prabhu. He accompanied Jahnava Mata wife of Nityananda to Kheturi Gaura Purnima festival. Vrindavana Dasa Thakur wrote the Chaitanya Mangal, later named of Chaitanya Bhagavata. His appearance place Mamgachi is in Modadruma Dvipa one of the nine islands in Navadvipa.

Personal deities worshiped by Vrindavan Das Thakura Nitai Gauranga Ray and Jagannath

Sri Krsnadas Kaviraj author Chaitanya caritamrita describes the glories of Vrindavan Das Thakur – “Krishna’s life was written in the Bhagavata of Vyasa. The Vedavyasa for Sri Caitanya was Vrindavana Dasa. Vrindavan das has called his book the “Caitanya Mangala”. Whoever hears his book no grave misfortunes shall befall. Who reads it knows the glories of Caitanya and Nitai. And knows what Krishna-bhakti is, and how it is, and why. His book contains the essence of the holy Bhagavata. And shows what Krishna-Bhakti is and what Bhakti is not. An atheist who hears the Thakura’s words will soon relent. And join the ranks of saintly men whose souls are heaven sent. No ordinary man can sing of God as he has sung: The Lord Himself has spoken through the Thakur’s holy tongue. I bow a million times before the holy lotus feet of Sri Vrindavan das, whose verses are so sweet that one who reads them shall be freed from this dark, mortal earth; I bow a million times before the place where he took birth.”