Srila Prabhupada Samadhi Seva

Prabhupada Pushpa Samadhi sevas


The garland which adorned His Divine Grace while placing him in Samadhi has been brought and laid down in His Pushpa Samadhi Mandir at Mayapur. A larger than life size brass murti of Srila Prabhupada has been installed and is being worshipped here.

ISKCON devotees worship Srila Prabhupada for He is one of the most confidential servitors of Lord Krishna who has tirelessly spread Krishna consciousness throughout the world. Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarti Thakura says in Sri Sri Gurvastakam prayers, "yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasado" meaning "By the mercy of the spiritual master one receives the benediction of Krsna". You can now easily do so by facilitating the worship of Srila Prabhupada at His samdhi in Mayapur. In addition, Nrsimhadev puja will be performed for all donors. All donors with Indian address will also receive Mahaprasad by post.

Below services are available.


Bhoga Offering 

Srila Prabhupada is daily offered bhoga three times: morning (balya), noon (raj) and night. 

Morning Rs. 501
Noon  Rs. 2501
Night Rs. 501


One Day Seva - Rs. 3,001

Sponsor all the services (aratis, bhogas and garlands) that are offered to Srila Prabhupada in a day. One Day Seva sponsor will get to honor His raj bhoga Mahaprasad (sufficient lunch for 10 people) on visiting Mayapur. 


Other Sevas

You can sponsor mangal arati, dress or a garland for Srila Prabhupada. You can also sponsor a garland for the Guru Parampara.

Mangal Arati Rs. 201
Srila Prabhupada Garland Rs. 251
Guru Parampara Garland Rs. 701
Dress for Srila Prabhupada Rs. 5,001


You can send your donation by Bank Transfer to:

All Donations under General Donation, Food for Life & Life Membership only and paid within India are Tax Exempted under 80/G Section of Income Tax Department, Govt. of India. For any queries or information, please write to us:             

Call  : +91-9733578071 Contact Person: Gopijana Vallabha dasa


Or pay by credit/debit card online here:

Name and Address
Please put your legal name
Please put your legal name
Non-Indian residents should not put their Indian address
Enter your passport only if you are a foreign national.
Enter your PAN card # only if you are an Indian citizen.