
After a week of daily chanting for the devotes of Ukraine, the international Kirtan Mela team is calling upon the world Vaisnava community to join in prayer for the protection of the devotees suffering in the civil war in Ukraine. I am including a letter from one of the Ukraine devotees at the bottom of this email giving an idea of the situation there.

In every temple and centre around the globe let us unite in the biggest kirtan event ever for the pleasure of the Lord and protection of His dear devotees.

How is it going to happen? Very simple! You, yes you dear Prabhu or Mataji who is now reading this, take initiative, take the opportunity to serve the holy name by bringing together devotees to chant. Please do not expect that kirtan will just happen, each one of us has to make it happen! Ask your temple president to help organize mass chanting on Nirjala ekadasi or bring together friends and well wishers for a Nama Yajna, 1 hour, 3 hours, 8 hours, 24 hours, what ever is possible for you. Whatever you can put into the treasure-chest of the Holy Name will be more than gratefully accepted. Since we are going to be chanting around the globe it will automatically be 24 hours plus kirtan. If you are inspired to chant more – do not stop by any means!!!
