T he day before the end of the academic year saw all the Primary school students and teachers Of Sri Mayapur International School participating enthusiastically in ‘Jagannath Day’. The students of grade 3 had the idea to have a special day where everything would be about Lord Jagannath and their friends were eager to join in.
Every class from Nursery to grade 6 performed an item for a special assembly. The performances included ‘Jagannathastakam’ sung by Grade 4, ‘Bhakta Salabeg’ drama and ‘Ahe Nila Saila’ bhajan by grade 3 and ‘The appearance of Lord Jagannath’ drama by grade 6. Reception class made Jagannath masks and then recited different names of Lord Jagannath and their meanings, Grade 2 sung ‘Jaya Jaya Jagannath Saciranandan’ and grade 5 devised and conducted an interactive’ Jagannath quiz game called ‘Jaya Nilachal Prabhu’ which had everyone excitedly taking part.
Every grade produced large scale artwork for the occasion and these were exhibited at the Annual prize giving ceremony the next day . Grades 1,5 and 6 made large Jagannath, Baladev and Subhadra out of Ganga clay. They dedicated a lot of time and were very enlivened by this,even staying late after school to continue sculpting and painting Their Lordships.
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