In the year 1996, during Srila Prabhupada Centennial, devotees conducted 1000 school programs with standard presentations like student competition, lectures, video shows, prasadam distributions etc. A little later they improved the mode of preaching to students. So to train up these students properly in active preaching, to practice Krsna Consciousness, Jagrata Chhatra Samaj was started. Right now the department has 14 devotees as staff.
Over the years various devotees became involved in different aspects of school preaching. So far there are 100 groups of 15 students each who are actively involved in Krsna Consciousness.
In the year of 2006, about 1500 students have joined the Jagrata Chhatra Samaj. 18 students have joined Mayapur Temple as full time residents practicing Krsna Consciousness. 45 students have become devotees with their families. And around 100 students have become fully vegetarian.
The goals to be achieved are to organize systematic program for students in schools and colleges (local and also around), to have discourses on Bhagavad gita and other basic philosophy based on Srila Prabhupada’s books and to finally make them strong Krishna conscious devotees. In spite of various problems, the department is still working hard to achieve their goals and preach to the students and make them into intelligent preachers.
Regular activities of Jagrata Chhatra Samaj
Each student group meets for one and a half hours weekly either in the school or in any student’s house. First they chant Hare Krsna Maha Mantra, recite mangalacharana and one sloka from Bhagavad-gita. Next they read from Jagrata Chetana (text books with 100 basic spiritual questions and answers) that has been published for them. Our devotees who organize the program ask different questions from the books and also discuss about particular topics related to ISKCON and Srila Prabhupada and give a task for next week. Students also speak about their realizations of the day. They chant one round of Hare Krsna Maha Mantra again and the program ends with prasadam.
Every year an annual Student Conference and the Bhaktivedanta Scholarship Examination is held at Mayapur. These students engage in preaching to the local people. Enthusiastic students are engaged as volunteers in different festivals in the temple. For the benefit of the Society, seminars, local pandal programs with parikrama, class, drama and video-show in different areas are organized by student groups regularly.
Head: Anandabardhan Das
Phone: +91-3472-245498, +91-9434-551821
Office: Room No 114, Chakra Building
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