S ilver Jubilee year festival of Gita Jayanti inaugurated in grandeur at ISKCON Mayapur on 23rd December. After a long silence following the lockdown, it is a pleasure to welcome over 2000 guests who have arrived at Mayapur to take part in Gita Jayanti festival. Inaugurating the session, HG Bhakti Bijoy Bhagavat Swami informed that around 20000 students have been enrolled for Grade1 Gita Study Course and this shows how people are very eager to receive this king of knowledge. HH Bhakti Purusottama Swami, who is the Director of Bhaktivedanta Gita Academy, stressed that Bhagavad Gita is the foundation pillar of our spiritual life. Present in the ceremony was HG Subheksana das, chairman of Mayapur Administrative Council, HG Laxmi Govinda das, head of Bhakti Vedanta Gita Academy, HG Sacikumar das and many senior devotees blessed the occasion.
On Gita Jayanti, 25th December, there will be recitation of Bhagavad Gita from 8 am to 12 noon and Gita Yajna will be conducted. Join with 4000+ devotees to recite 700 Verses of Bhagavad Gita from 8 am onwards at mayapur.tv
Gita Jayanti Inauguration Video!
Gita Dana- Sponsor a Gita today!
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