T he mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu reached the streets of Krishnanagar during the recent Harinam Sankirtan Procession conducted by Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha on the month of December 2017. Decorated with different varieties of colorful flags, festoon, banner etc, two different sets of Harinam Sankirtan team went on Harinam procession as Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu’s soldiers, distributing profusely the holy names , MBV leaflets, Srila Prabhupada’s books and dry prasad.
The procession started from Shaktinagar High School Maidan at 4:30 PM , proceeded through shaktinagar More, Kalinagar More, Goyalda More, Rajbari More, Challenge More, Kadamtala Ghat and finally ended up at Nagendranagar Momin Park around 7 Pm. More than 800 devotees from different places including foreign countries participated in that procession. Krishnanagar residents expressed their happiness and gartitude for organising Harinam and actively took part in the procession.
Also present were ISKCON Mayapur managers, well-wishers and Mayapur devotees and at the end, Prasada was served to everyone. The whole event is organised under the guidance of Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha coordinator H.G. Mathuresh Pr.
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