“A brahmachari should be quite well behaved and gentle and should not eat or collect more than necessary. He must always be active and expert, fully believing in the instructions of the spiritual master and the sastra. Fully controlling his senses, he should associate only as much as necessary with women or those controlled by […]
Indulekha Devi –The Leader of the Messengers
In 1986, just before the annual Gaura Purnima Festival, Sri Inulekha devi and three other sakhis were installed in Sri Dham Mayapur and joined Sri Sri Radha Madhava on the altar. Indulekha Devi stands next to Visakha Devi, second gopi on Srimati Radharani’s right. Sri Indulekha Devi is one of the eight principle gopis, or […]
Campakalata Devi- The Expert Debater
Campakalata Devi– The Expert Debater Campakalata Sakhi is one dayyounger to Srimati Radharani. Her appearance is celebrated a day after Radhastami. Just before the annual Gaura Purnima festival in Mayapur in 1986.Campakalata Devi, along with three other sakhis, was installed and joined Sri Sri Radha Madhava on the altar. She stands next to Lalita Devi, […]
Sri Navadvipa Astakrosa Parikrama- Invitation
We are delighted to inform you all that the grand Asta Krosa Parikrama (November 16-19th, 2018) is being organized by ISKCON Mayapur to fulfil the desire of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura. Devotees of Lord Sacinandana Gaurahari will reap the tremendous benefits of participating in the Parikrama of Sri Navadvipa during the most auspicious month of Karthika […]
Sri Visakha Devi – Srimati Radhika’s Dearmost Friend
Radhastami is also the appearance day of Sri Visakha Devi -Srimati Radhika’s dearmost friend.Just prior to the annual Gaura Purnima festival of 1986, Srimati Visakha Devi, along with three other principle sakhis, was installed in the Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir and joined Sri Sri Radha Madhava on the altar. She stands directly next to Srimati […]
Lalita Devi- The Guru of All Gopis
Just prior to the annual Gaura Purnima festival of 1986, Srimati Lalita devi, along with three other principle sakhis, was installed in the Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir and joined Sri Sri Radha Madhava on the altar. She stands directly next to Sri Madhava on. Srimati Lalita devi is the foremost among the eight most confidential […]
The Creator of Sri Mayapur dhama
“(Therefore) Radha is parama-devata, the supreme goddess, and She is worshipable for everyone. She is the protectress of all, and She is the mother of the entire universe.” – Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi 4.89 Sri Navadvipa Mayapur Dhama is worshiped all over the creation as the holiest of holy dhamas, and the place from which pure […]
A Pilgrim’s day in Sridham Mayapur
The day begins early for visitors to Sridhama Mayapur. They wake many hours before the sun rises, anytime between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m., to bathe and prepare to go to the early morning mangalarati. At the temple, the pilgrims get in line and wait to enter the temple. Sometimes, the lines can reach up […]
Honoring Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Senapati bhakta
ebe nama sankirtana tikshna khadaga laiya antara asura jivera phelibe katiya “Taking the sharp sword of the congregational chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, (nama-sankirtana) I will root out and destroy the demoniac mentality in the hearts of all the conditioned souls.” yadi papi chadi dharma dure dese yaya mora senapati-bhakta yaibe tathaya “If some sinful […]
Tungavidya- The Transcendental Vina Player
Today is the divine appearance day of Tungavidya Sakhi. In Sri Mayapur Dham Tungavidya Sakhi was adorned with nice garlands and ornaments to celebrate her divine appearance day. Lalita, Visakha, Citra, Campakalata, Tungavidya, Indulekha, Rangadevi and Sudevi are the parama-prestha-sakhis. These eight gopis are chief amongst all the gopis. The exalted qualities of Tungavidya are […]
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