Hare Krishna. Dear devotees, for the pleasure of their Lord ships Sri Sri Radha Madhav , Pancatattva, Gour Nitai, Srila Prabhupada and for all of you Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha broadcasting a very important news of Yuga dharma ‘Harinam Sankirtan’ that has been held at Dhubulia town on 10th April, Monday , 2017. A huge gathering of more than 1000 devotees from different places mainly from Dhubulia local and Krishnanagar, Bethuadahari, Dharmada and Mayapur participated in that colorful Sankirtan procession.
The procession started at 4:30pm from Dhubulia Bus stand followed by a short speech about harinam sankirtan by H.G. Sankarshan Nitai Pr. Carrying different colors of Flag, Festoons, Banners and Abhiram Pratik etc. , two Harinam Sankirtan parties – matajis group (female) and Prabhu’s group ( male) led vibrant kirtan with dancing , following Srila Prabhupada and Gour Nitai deities , leading the procession in front. Then the Nagar Sankirtan party proceeded through the area of Groups No- 3/5, PHE, Group No- 8, Group No- 9, Bazar colony and finally ended at the holy Child School at Group No- 24. This procession was looking so beautiful reminding us Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s kirtan party in Nadia, 500 years back. All those participated devotees chant and danced very jubilantly in that procession.
Apart from harinam Sankirtan there were also Gaja prasad, leaflet and book distribution along with Nagar Sankirtan procession. At the end there was delicious Prasadam from Mayapur served to everyone over there and then they went back home happily.
The whole program was handled by Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha Coordinator H.G. Mathuresh Pr. successfully.
Thank you very much
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
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