
Srivas Thakura Appearance Day

S rivas Thakura’s appearance day is celebrated with grandeur at Sri Mayapur. Special decorations, colorful garlands, garlands of dry fruits were lovingly offered by devotees. After the morning special class on glories of Srivas Thakur by HG Pankajanghri das, at noon, an abhisheka was performed to Srivas Thakur with kirtan. This was followed by Pusphanjali, Mahaarti and prasadam distribution.

Take darshan of Srivas Thakura’s abhisheka!

Srivas Thakur ki Jai!

Two other celebrations also adorned the day. One was the disappearance day festival of HH Sridhar Swami, a dear most servant of Srila Prabhupada. Memorial program took place at Community hall and in his Samadhi, arthi was offered.


Our dear most Pujaris, HG Jananivas Prabhu and HG Pankajanghri Prabhu’s recently had their birthday. Devotees from Pujari department and community devotees gathered today to show their love & gratitude for their guidance by organizing a birthday program, followed by a sumptuous feast!