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Distribute Gita Online

A s ISKCON is getting closer to golden jubilee in 2016, devotees at ISKCON Mayapur are doing a four month book distribution marathon starting from 1st October. Join us in this offering to Srila Prabhupada by sponsoring as many Bhagavad Gita books you can ONLINE.

Gita Jayanti Sponsorship


Print books, distribute profusely, and that will be the best preaching work. What will your three minutes preaching work—But if they buy one book, it may turn their life. (Srila Prabhupada Letter to Bhagavan, 5th November, 1972).

------------ Message from HH Jayapataka Swami.


Srila Prabhupada rose in the middle of the night for many years translating and writing his purports to share his personal ecstasies for our understanding and upliftment. He arranged the book printing and organized the book distribution driven by his Guru Maharaja's order and by his deep compassion for us. Devotees would write to him to tell him how many books they distributed, and he would ask that they double the numbers, especially in the month of December. In this connection big numbers were important to him, and they gave him great happiness. The more books distributed, the more souls could hear about the Lord and His devotees.

The auspicious occasion of Gita Jayanti is almost here! This sacred day marks the divine advent of the Bhagavad Gita by Lord Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, over 5,000 years ago. To honor this momentous event, there will be a 5-day Gita Seminar, culminating on 11th December with a grand Maha Gita Yajna in Sri Dham Mayapur.

Out of all his books, Srila Prabhupada told Bhagavad Gita to be the most important book for new devotees. Now, here’s a chance when we can distribute Bhagavad Gita ONLINE to others and become Srila Prabhupada’s instrument in saving people even if we may not have enough time to distribute these books personally.

We request you to support us in this transcendental book distribution by sponsoring as many Bhagavad Gita books you can. These books will be distributed freely to schools, pilgrims, jails, colleges, hospitals, libraries etc.


You can send your donation by Bank Transfer to:

* All Donations under General Donation, Food for Life & Life Membership only and paid within India are Tax Exempted under 80/G Section of the Income Tax Department, Govt. of India. For any queries or information, please write to us:  

Contact Donation Helpline no. :+91-9733578071 Contact Person: Gopijana Vallabha dasa


Or pay by credit card online here:

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