Varnasrama Training Courses
Dear Devotees, The daiva varnasrama ministry, promoting rural development in INDIA, in association with Mayapur Institute, are conducting various courses during the next few months, the details are below, For registration you can write at or visit our website Varnasrama Training Courses 2014-15 Course 1 – Cow Care Management – By Dr. Sreekumar 13th […]
World Holy Name week in Mayapur
This past week many devotees increased their chanting of the holy names. We had a different group of devotees going out for Nagar Sankirtan every day from the 5th to the 12th. The different groups were the Mayapur brahmacharis, Indian council, Mayapur management, International high school, International primary school, the ISCKON security department, Jagannath temple devotees, […]
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