Вайшнавский прасадам спонсорство

Vaishnava Prasadam Sponsorship

The Lord is most pleases when we serve the vaishnavas, we are providing you with an opportunity to serve the Mayapur Bramachari’s. The following seva is available:

  • Brahmacari Prasada Seva for 250 Brahmacaries: Rs.20,000

That day’s lunch prasada will be served on your behalf to the Brahmacaris. Your name will be announced and all the devotees will bless by chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra. Archana plate will be offered to Sri Narasimhadeva praying for your welfare. You will receive Mayapur Festival DVD, Deity photographs and Charan Tulasi prasada.

*** Please tell us the day that you would like to sponsor. ***

Thank you for choosing to sponsor prasadam for the vaishanavas, please provide us your detailed information and you will be taken to a payment processing page.

You can send your donation by Bank Transfer to:

* All Donations under General Donation, Food for Life & Life Membership only and paid within India are Tax Exempted under 80/G Section of Income Tax Department, Govt. of India. For any queries or information, please write to us: donorservices@mayapur.com   

Contact Donation Helpline no. :+91-9733578071 Contact Person: Gopijana Vallabha dasa

Or pay by credit card online here:

Name and Address
Please put your legal name
Please put your legal name
Non-Indian residents should not put their Indian address
Enter your passport only if you are a foreign national.
Enter your PAN card # only if you are an Indian citizen.