F or the pleasure of their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madhava, Pancatattva, Nrisimhadev, Srila Prabhupada as well as for all of you Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha wants to broadcast the most happy news that in the month of kartik, ‘Bhatjanla Bhakti Vriksha Gosthi’ hold a large scale stage program on Damodar Month at Krishnanagar, Bhatjanla FCI Godown. By the endeavor of that Bhakti Vriksha Gosthi they attracted more than 700 people who attend the whole program.
The program starts at 5:00PM with Mangalacaran, Harinam, Bhajan kirtan by the Mayapur devotees like H.G. Madhur Nitai Pr. and H.G. Sankarsan Pr., followed by there was a very beautiful devotional dance program by Bhatjangla local dance group for 5minutes based on Lord Krishna’s pastimes in Vrindavan.
After that H.G. Premanjana Pr. enlightened the audience in Krishna Bhakti with Damodar katha for about 1 hour. Then ‘Damodarastakam and Dip-dan’ ceremony took place. All the assembled people offered Ghee lamp to Lord Damodar with great love and devotion, followed by kirtan melody were presented by H.G. Mathuresh Pr. for 30 minutes where everyone Chant and Danced with Hare Krishna Mahamantra jubilantly.
At the end delicious mahaprasad from Mayapur were served to everyone and then they went back home with devotional hearts.The whole program had been successfully guided by Mayapur Bhakti Vriksha Co-ordinator H.G. Mathuresh Pr.
Thank you very much.
is one of the most beutifull ceremonies of the year