A n International party from ISKCON Mayapur went on TV two times in less than 1 month. Their presentation shacked the whole West Bengal and the other states of India as well as the outside countries.
The Zee Bangla TV, is part of the Zee Entertainment Enterprises that owns 46 different channels in 169 countries. The devotees’ Show was broadcasted at least two times. One time it was broadcast on the day before the Jaladuta Yatra in Kolkata and the second time was on the independence day of India, 12th and 15th August respectively.
“We are not artists, even though some of our group members are talented musicians our intention was never to become famous. We consider ourselves humble servants in Srila Prabhupada’s mission, but the Art Director of the “ SA RE GA MA PA” music show liked our kirtan and created a spectacle with us.” Says Nitya Kishor dasi, one of the core members of the group.
“SA RE GA MA PA” is the most famous Musical Reality show in Indian Television, and it is also broadcasted in USA, UK and Africa. It is watched by 10 million people only in India!
“Our participation was done in three parts. They called the Episode “Prarthana” which means “Prayer”. The first part was devotees from different religions singing together. In the second show we sang along with a contestant of “SA RE GA MA PA”, and in the third one, our group was chanting the Maha Mantra Hare Krsna and dancing with the audience. It was such wonderful experience for me, I was surprise to see such amazing organization and very professional people.” Describes Giri Govardhan das, Kirtan Leader.
Sri Mayapur International group started by in the villages of Bengal four years ago, in small programs organized by ISKCON Mayapur Sankirtan Department. From that time till now they participated in more than 200 Stage programs and public Harinamas in many places of Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and the Northeastern part of India. Sometimes they performed programs for 25 thousand people.
“ My whole family and I, had such a wonderful experience travelling with the devotees from the preaching group and speaking to thousands of people from the stage, just explaining to them how and why I joined ISKCON and why they also should join. In the capital of Assam in the Ratha Yatra 2015 the Chief Minister of the State, Mr Tarun Gogoi came to the opening of the Ratha Yatra festival, and we were there with him, speaking to the local TV channels and Newspapers.” Bhakta Noam, from Israel.
Nitya Kishora dasi said that the preaching programs are especially for the families because it is able to engage their talented teenagers and children in various ways. The children become filled with hope and excitement to be engage nicely in devotional service and to use their talents for the service of Lord Krsna.
“I just loved to be on TV. We even visited the shooting sets where movies are made. We had so much fun and we came to know a lot of famous people”, says Narayani (16 years old).
Article By: Govinda Prachar
Mayapur International Preaching on Zee Bangla
On Jaladuta Yatra, Kolkata
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